Package-level declarations


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open class KotlinJupyterAutoConfiguration

Autoconfiguration class for the Kotlin Jupyter kernel in a Spring Boot application. This class sets up the necessary beans for starting Kotlin Jupyter Kernel inside the application.

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class KotlinJupyterKernelService(kernelPorts: KernelPorts, scriptClasspath: List<File> = emptyList(), homeDir: File? = null, clientType: String? = null) : Closeable

A service class responsible for managing and running a kernel server. The server starts in a dedicated thread once the class is instantiated. To interrupt server, call close.

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class SpringContext : ApplicationContextAware
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@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "kotlin.jupyter.kernel.client")
class SpringKotlinJupyterClient
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@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "kotlin.jupyter.kernel.ports")
class SpringKotlinJupyterKernelPorts


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val springContext: ApplicationContext