Package-level declarations
Code snippet ready to be evaluated with kernel REPL
Manages custom messages in the notebook, for more info see
Used in ExecutionCallback to get KotlinKernelHost context
Base class for library integration with Jupyter Kernel via DSL Derive from this class and pass registration callback into constructor
Jupyter connection socket types. You can find information about each Jupyter socket type here:
Declaration of LibraryDefinition implementor
Entity inside library that may be instantiated to an object of type T
Declaration of LibraryDefinitionProducer implementor
Serialized form of this class instance is a correct content of KOTLIN_JUPYTER_LIBRARIES_FILE_NAME file, and vice versa.
Library definition represents "library" concept in Kotlin kernel.
Trivial implementation of LibraryDefinition - simple container.
LibraryDefinitionProducer may produce several library definitions. You may want produce or not produce definitions based on kernel, Kotlin or JRE version, or some other info provided by Notebook
Implementations of this class provide information on how the libraries should be resolved. Different implementations of LibraryResolver
use this information for adjusting the resolution process. Resolution info is encoded by a part of a LibraryReference that goes after @
Raw Jupyter message.
Callback for messages of type messageType coming to a certain socket If messageType is null, callback is called for any message
VariablesSubstitutionAware provides interface for variables substitution.
Name of file in KOTLIN_JUPYTER_RESOURCES_PATH containing information about library definitions and providers inside JAR
Path for all Kotlin Jupyter related stuff in library JARs
Builds an instance of LibraryDefinition. Build action receives LibraryDefinitionImpl as an explicit argument because of problems with names clashing that may arise.
Construct raw message callback
Build a resource tree using ResourcesBuilder. The builder allows to construct js
and css
bundles. Each bundle could contain multiple files or urls. Each of those could contain multiple fallback paths (for example if URL not found, local resource is used.