All executed cells of this notebook
Stores info about useful variables in a cell. Key: cellId; Value: set of variable names. Useful <==> declarations + modifying references
Manages custom messages
Current cell
Current session classpath
Current color scheme. Works correctly only in Kotlin Notebook plugin
Represents the execution host for the Kotlin kernel. Could be null
outside of the execution, so use it with care.
Current JRE info
Jupyter client that started the current kernel session
Kernel Run mode. Determines some capabilities of a running kernel depending on the environment it's running under
Current kernel version
LibraryLoader of the current session
All requests for libraries made during this session
Logger factory of the current session
Renderers processor gives an ability to render values and add new renderers
Returns the object that allows to access execution results
Configuration options for the current notebook session.
Current state of visible variables
Triggers the animation sequence consisting of frames that are produced by the nextFrame function.
Displays all the frames in this iterable, with respect to the delays.
Displays all the frames left in this frames iterator, with respect to the delays.
Displays all the frames in this sequence, with respect to the delays.
Animates a sequence of frames by displaying them with respect to their delays.
Animates a sequence of values with a specified delay between each frame. The first value is displayed without a delay.
Animates an iterable sequence of values, each one (except first) appearing after a specified delay.
Animates a sequence of values by displaying them with specified delay. The first value is displayed without a delay.
Triggers the animation using a chain of frames, beginning with firstFrame and subsequently obtained through the nextFrame function.
Change color scheme and run callbacks. Works correctly only in Kotlin Notebook plugin
Information about all display data objects
Information about displays with the given id
Converts descriptor JSON text into LibraryDefinition
Renders HTML as iframe that fixes scrolling and color scheme issues in Kotlin Notebook plugin
Renders HTML as iframe in Kotlin Notebook or simply in other clients
Updates the display with the given value.